Dealing With Adverse Weather Condition
Abu Dhabi Government is committed to protecting the safety, health, security and stability of human capital, which is the key driver to achieving sustainable development.
As part of this goal, Abu Dhabi Public Health Center (ADPHC) oversees the implementation of a comprehensive and integrated management system for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, through developing the relevant regulatory instruments, monitoring the effective implementation of OSH requirements and standards, building capacity and promoting OSH culture.
Occupational incidents and injuries are one of the key issues in OSHAD's work. ADPHC follows up serious occupational incidents and injuries and investigation reports to ensure setting of corrective actions necessary to minimize and prevent recurrence of these incidents.
ADPHC believes that taking responsibility for protecting employees from occupational hazards, including incidents resulting from bad weather conditions, and ensuring employees are able to come to work, provides the basis for maintaining productive workplaces.
Awareness Materials