- The acronym for the Framework was updated from OSHAD-SF to ADOSH-SF to better reflect the Framework title.
- The name of the Centre was updated from Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health Centre (OSHAD) to Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre (ADPHC), with a new logo and branding on all pages of the documents.
- Manual and other SF documents were updated to reflect legal and organizational developments in Abu Dhabi and the UAE, notably pursuant to the issuance of Law No. (14) of 2019 Regarding the Establishment of the Abu Dhabi Public Health Center, and manpower requirements for OSH.
- Cancelling the note within the Manual & Elements documents that requires the entity’s internal OSH Policy to be independent of its other policies.
- Some minor changes (e.g., names of relevant authorities, titles of referenced regulations, limiting the references list to only bibliographic references, deleting the copyright statement on the back page, and changes for added clarity) without changing requirements.
- Referring to Mechanism 7 titled “Occupational Safety and Health Practitioner and Service Provider Registration” and deleting reference to Mechanism 8. The revised Mechanism 7 shall be published shortly with the relaunch of the registration scheme “Qudorat”.
- Updating types of asbestos surveys in Code of Practice 1.1 on the “Management of Asbestos Containing Materials” to align with the latest international practice.
- The “OSH Standards & Guidelines Values” document is suspended.
- A “Technical Guideline on Ergonomics in an Office Environment” is added.
As part of ongoing implementation, entities should continually review their internal OSH MS and ensure it complies with the requirements of the ADOSH-SF, as published. Entities with an approved system do not need to resubmit their system to the relevant sector regulatory authority.